
Showing posts from December, 2013

175. Thirteen reflectioins in 13 minutes.

In thousands of year, humankind being burden by a belief which the world could end in year 2012. Yet now we are progressing towards year 2014. We are the lucky generations which do not bind by an outdated superstitious belief. I have a 13-minute reflection in 2103. A happy person is a person who lives within his /her generation, not behind or ahead of his /her generation. One wants to easily letting go, in the first place, one must not collecting possessions so much. A depressed mind manifests itself in self doubt and illusion. Medication is moderately good, self healing is even better. Knowledge crystallise the belief system, action helps to expand it. Having high clarity, quick decision power do not require the support of high IQ. Technology makes a flat world and at the same time it makes human relation flat. The opposite of technology is nature. Playing music is a wonderful gift however listening to music is a joy. Setting lim...