
Showing posts from August, 2009

8. The Five Minds for the Future

"Five Minds make an Awakened Mind" - Simon Kong As in my previous posting (6), I mentioned that my observation on fern leaves forming pentagon or hexagon shape, a natural way of creativity expression. Now there is a person who creatively proposed a new model of mind for the future. Prof. Howard Gardner created a model to explain how the human mind works. His write-up is a step closer to the nature of mind. Prof Gardner's Five Mind Model: see link Five minds are key capacities of the mind a person needed for future growth and self development: 1. The Creative Mind helps us to create new ideas and break new ground. 2. The Synthesizing Mind helps us sort out information, evaluate them and use them. 3. The Disciplined Mind helps us learn the skills of mastery a new subject well. 4. The Ethical Mind helps us strive a balance between self interest, good work and a good citizen. 5. The Respectful Mind helps us understand, ...

7. Body and Mind Balancing

Learn how to appreciate Serenity, Happiness, Creativity. Having good memory , Healthy and Wealthy of mind in our life. "Unity of body and mind is Harmony" - Simon Kong What is Stress? Stress is when the body and the mind are out of balance. Chemicals imbalance in a brain. "Unity of body and mind is Harmony. Harmony may be achieved when the shortest path established between the body and the mind." - Simon Kong I would like to share with you on the topic of stress. My view on stress is easily understood by all. For the past six years I have been studying body and mind interaction as a professional level. I practise it and I help other people to understand it as well. In the process of discovery journey it makes me recognised the importance of body and mind balancing. A friend of mine asked me of a fundamental question. “Body come first or mind first?” My respond to this question is that when these entities (body and mind)are in tune we feel good and energized in a day...