7. Body and Mind Balancing

Learn how to appreciate Serenity, Happiness, Creativity. Having good memory , Healthy and Wealthy of mind in our life.

"Unity of body and mind is Harmony" - Simon Kong

What is Stress?

Stress is when the body and the mind are out of balance. Chemicals imbalance in a brain.

"Unity of body and mind is Harmony. Harmony may be achieved when the shortest path established between the body and the mind." - Simon Kong

I would like to share with you on the topic of stress. My view on stress is easily understood by all. For the past six years I have been studying body and mind interaction as a professional level. I practise it and I help other people to understand it as well. In the process of discovery journey it makes me recognised the importance of body and mind balancing.

A friend of mine asked me of a fundamental question. “Body come first or mind first?” My respond to this question is that when these entities (body and mind)are in tune we feel good and energized in a day and rest well at night. But when the body and mind are out of synchrony, any things can go wrong in our body and mind. It manifested as stress and to a larger extent brain illnesses. However, my sense is that body dominance comes first before mind power.

Chris Prentiss said : " Whenever an imbalance is present in our physical, mental or emotional bodies, it always manifest itself outwardly on the physical or emotional plane, and usually in an unpleasant or damaging way. That is how our bodies tell us something is wrong. It's how we become aware of imbalances."

Stress causes chemical imbalanced in our brain. For example constanly shortage of monoamine in the brain may cause brain illnesses.

My friends asked me again: Is body comes first or mind first? Since I have been exploring many mind control, mind healing and energy healing techniques. I would say that I believe the body comes first.

Energy healing by touching body chakra points and daily meditation can be another effective ways to bring the body out of sickness. Longevitology method promotes proper breathing and meditation techniques.

You can heal your own body:

Dr. Mark Hyman shares a similar view on disease and longevity:

At different stages of development, there are many ways to overcome the imbalanced state of mind. To name a few, EEG Biofeedback brainwave training, EEG Biofeedback Awakened Mind coaching, Balanced Diet, Universal Energy Healing, Proper Meditation, Spiritual Experience, Mantra and Ritual, Complementary Therapy, Indigenious Medicine, Chinese Medicine, Western Medicine and Physical Exercise are vitally important to make a body and mind in harmony.

Mind governs what we want and the body governs what we need. What we need to do is to ensure that our body and mind are working in unison.

My investigation since 2003, I found out that EEG Biofeedback brain and mind development system which I created provides many answers to brain and mind development.

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