
Showing posts from February, 2010

44. Lion Dance

Lion Dance brings many good benefits during Lunar New Year Time. Firstly the drum beat has a few hundred beats per minuite, it energises people mood and warm up the environment. Secondly, it is a best form of physical exercise for the hands & legs. Body movement coordination in unison between two dancers and the listening coordination among dancers and the drumer. Thirdly, The lion picks up all the offering including mandarin oranges. It peels the oranges nicely and lay open the oranges on the floor with the lucky number formation : "7188" is for today. May you be Lucky Everyday. Happy Lunar New Year. ---

43. Feeling Good

Feeeling Good ia an emotional state. The feeling itself can manifest in a violent outward behaviour or inwardly feeling peace and serenity. The fact is that we can control these states. The opposites of feeling good are many such as agitation, irritability, anger outburst, worry for the future, sadness, boredom, lethargic, short of breath,etc. Many people have learned their ways of feeling good. Some of them need a lot of money to achieve this aim while other spends very little on achieving good feeling. We would be very disappointed if were were to rely on spiritual connection to give us feeling good effects. The spiritual dimension is best leave it to the spiritual connection as in its pure form and good intention. There are positive and negative approaches in producing good feeling. People recognised that meditation is a form of activity which helps a person feels good. When meditation is done wrongly that would result in nightmare. By nature, many feeling good effects are not susta...

42. A genius mind is a vulnerable mind

Discipline and Commitment make a High Performance Mind. Having A High Performance Mind is in everyone wish. A High Performance Mind is a state where people can perform their utmost abilities and capabilities. To upkeep the high performance mind state, one needs an extra discipline and a commitment to maintain that state. Discipline will keep a mind free from external influence. Commitment will keep a mind focus on what was performing well. A genius needs to learn these two skills by a trial and error method because there is nobody are able to teach him/her. There is no short cut to it. --- A genius mind is a vulnerable mind. What they need is to have a fine tunning in brainwave patterns and that would accelerate their brain performance many folds. A life, a genius mind is like a flower in a desert... Take more care to protect ourselves... from the environment... Treasure every moment... Treasure Today. But today, there's blue skies... A Happy Day...

41. There is no substitute for Experience

Australia Tennis Open 2010. The winner has many attributes as a master tennis player. One of the attributes is tournament experience. Operating A Cool Mind under severe pressure is the most important ASSET of a great player. Research this well. There is no substitute for Experience. ----