42. A genius mind is a vulnerable mind

Discipline and Commitment make a High Performance Mind.
Having A High Performance Mind is in everyone wish. A High Performance Mind is a state where people can perform their utmost abilities and capabilities.
To upkeep the high performance mind state, one needs an extra discipline and a commitment to maintain that state.
Discipline will keep a mind free from external influence.
Commitment will keep a mind focus on what was performing well.
A genius needs to learn these two skills by a trial and error method because there is nobody are able to teach him/her. There is no short cut to it.
A genius mind is a vulnerable mind. What they need is to have a fine tunning in brainwave patterns and that would accelerate their brain performance many folds.
A life, a genius mind is like a flower in a desert...
Take more care to protect ourselves...
from the environment...
Treasure every moment...
Treasure Today. But today, there's blue skies...
A Happy Day...