
Showing posts from September, 2010

81. Three Levels of Brain

When we look at a brain of various species we are amazed to find out that human have three levels of brain. A human brain consists of 1) Reptilian brain for survival, 2) Limbic brain for emotional engagement, 3) Neocortex for thinking mind. We need to learn how to balance these three levels of brain functions to serve our daily living. The more we (human race) developed the more vulnerable we become, especially to our thinking mind.

80. Quality First

Quality must come first. Whether Quality in education, or Quality in any things we do. We should stress on Quality concept in Life. Slogans are often counter productive. When one focuses on Quality (ie. system, people, workflow etc), their jobs will be recognized by others and it is just a matter of time, sooner or later the praise for a good work will prevail. I visited Finland Embassy recently; I understand that this country is doing exactly what I would like to see in pursuing a better quality culture. A good system without the support of quality exceution process is not worth looking at. This should be a key appraisal criterion for a good system at work.

79. When we are @ 79 years of age. What would we do?

---------------------------------- Simon @ Mt Rinjani, Lombok. 2010 This is my blog article number 79. I want to write this blog differently... Imagine I am 79 years of age, what would I do? Imagine when one stops breathing for five minutes... One can not feel... One can not speak... ...... ... . Treasure our every six seconds of breath. For myself: I train my body, train my brain and train my mind. Adjust the loudness

78. Breaking a personal best record in sports and games

We want to break personal best records in games or sports. The question is HOW? Very few people can break their own personal best. They are reasons for that 1) Lacking a concrete plan 2) Lacking a good time table for implementation 3) Lacking Discipline 4) The mind is not ready 5) The body is not ready In the reverse order of the above list, item five may be worth considering starting first with a breakthrough plan. Ask ourselves what is our body condition. Do a a SWOT analysis for a reality check then go for it with your strategy and steady mind. We can improve our body strength through brain training and physical exercises. A simple rule of thumb: When the mind is ready train the mind. But when the mind is not ready then train the brain.

77. Living A Long Life

Life Expectancy is an unusually uncertain factor in every body mind. A person has every thing: Wealth, Happiness and suddenly there is a calling from heaven. How can we live longer and this question had troubled China first Emperor Qin Shi Huang(259 BC - 210 BC). His team of medical experts went to Japan and searched for longevity medicines. There were no answers for his longevity. Now. The common notion of living a long life is having a balanced life style, eat vegetarian foods for some people, good physical exercise, stay happy and have a kind heart. How about reducing stress? How about training a brain producing more melatonin naturally? All these factors are major factors which we cannot ignore them. "Melatonin is a hormone produced by the pineal gland of all mammals, including humans. The pineal gland is a small, light-sensitive organ located in the brain that secretes melatonin only during darkness. Humans begin producing melatonin as early as 3 months old. The production o...

76. ADD/Hyperactive Kids

The nature of ADHD (Attention Deficient Hyperactivity Disorder) When I talk to these kids I find them perfectly normal. They are curious, fast thinking and active. However in school they are being labeled as ADHD. Because they have the following distracting behaviors: • Frequent fidgetingg • Feels restless • Has difficulty playing quietly • Talks excessively • Always seems on the go • Has difficulty waiting his or her turn . I measure their brainwaves and I found that they are perfectly normal. Except that when they are awake they have more restless brainwaves which can be trained by either short duration of EEG Biofeedback awakened mind coaching and a longer period of neurofeedback brain training.Neurofeedback training can help these children be less restless and learn how to taking care of themselves. But, training takes time. Short term solution: Children receive medicines which contain methylphenidate, amphetamine for treatment. These medicines can help to reduce restless but this...