76. ADD/Hyperactive Kids

The nature of ADHD (Attention Deficient Hyperactivity Disorder)

When I talk to these kids I find them perfectly normal. They are curious, fast thinking and active. However in school they are being labeled as ADHD. Because they have the following distracting behaviors:

• Frequent fidgetingg
• Feels restless
• Has difficulty playing quietly
• Talks excessively
• Always seems on the go
• Has difficulty waiting his or her turn

I measure their brainwaves and I found that they are perfectly normal. Except that when they are awake they have more restless brainwaves which can be trained by either short duration of EEG Biofeedback awakened mind coaching and a longer period of neurofeedback brain training.Neurofeedback training can help these children be less restless and learn how to taking care of themselves. But, training takes time.

Short term solution: Children receive medicines which contain methylphenidate, amphetamine for treatment. These medicines can help to reduce restless but this should not be a long term solution for ADD/ADHD symptoms.

Natuarlly some kids outgrow their hyperactivity such as restlessness, agitated behavior. There are other group which carries the intricate situation into adulthood. They are more prone to accident, impulsive behavior like alcohol abuse and the inability to plan or prioritize. Dr Edward M. Hallowell in his latest book "Driven to Distraction", its finding tends to support the last argument which ADHD symptoms are being carried over to adulthood, so all forms of early intervention are necessary.

" I had barely begun to acknowledge an important reality: The doctor I had trained to be - scientific, conscientious, and skilled in diagnosing and treating specific kinds of pediatric illness - was not what many - perhaps the majority - of my patients were going to need." - Maggie Kozel

There is no true solution to ADD/ADHD kids. Traditional medicine may not be the only solution as it's effect may not last.

On the other hand, Neurofeedback training is effective but it may take six months or one year for training to be effective, to see results.

Long term solution: Teach the children moral values when they are young so that their brain can differentiate right or wrong values. Teach them discipline when they are young. Develop their reading habits. Bring them to nature, appreciate the nature so that they won't feel restless. Engage them with sports and games so as to help them release extra energy in the body. There is no need to teach them creativity which they have already possessed but rather wake up their brainwaves in their usual daily routine.


My two cents worth of opinion.

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