
Showing posts from December, 2017

225. Memory Techniques

Memories are in the past and now we make use our memories which stored in a brain for the present living effectively, so learn these techniques before we are aged and incapable of recall memory. Memory are techniques which can be learned- Simon Kong Why memory fails us? It is because when we aged, brain size shrinking accordingly, brain hormones production reduces as neurons have become less and less in amount. There are many memory trigger methods, today I recommend Journey Method below: If our brains are good and sound at present then there is no need or urgency to use memory techniques as short term memory can do most daily memory function for us. However when we are getting older, short term memory can't work well even for 6 seconds retention power therefore learning of these memory techniques becomes useful. Learn them make it a habit before short term memory fails us soon like dementia patient. The keys to memory trigger techniques are based on multiple sensory input...

224. Happiness is having less painful experience

The nature of illness is uncontrollable when it strikes. We all know that genetic, environmental, virus, bacteria and immune systems are main triggered causes. Happiness is having less painful experience or sickness. Happiness can not be found in external sources whether it is a physical location, a nice building, a good service or a satisfied product. all that tangible things do not define happiness. 疾病来襲如旋风,Illness is like a hurricane, 大树小树全落地, When it comes, big tree, small trees are all gone, 少住病床是幸福,Happiness is having less painful experience, 圣诞前夕共勉之。May this be everybody wishes in this festive season. Happiness links to external source, it is not happiness, it is called feeling good. You feel good after a sumptuous meal or bought a new car... May you be happy always.

223. It is My Life

In 2012 I was running 10km mini marathon. Now a full marathon. It can be done. I did it my way. 2017 SC Marathon To complete a long race, you need good supporters. Bon Jovi "The Concert For Sandy Relief 12-12-12" Live From Madison Square Garden in New York City 2012 USA I remembered that in 2008, a conversation with Mr. Chen, I mentioned to him that I ran a mini marathon. He replied: you don't look the one who can run marathon. feeling slightly embarrassed, So I reinstated that I ran for mini marathon, a 10km race. Since then running a full marathon to me is an optional event, i did not think seriously about it and suspect that those runners are irrational people who go for that long distance of run. But slowly and gradually, I change my view about marathon; marathon is about planning, discipline and execution power. But the most importance of all is how to make our knees or ankles revitalise again. As long as we don't go for knees or ankles su...