224. Happiness is having less painful experience

The nature of illness is uncontrollable when it strikes. We all know that genetic, environmental, virus, bacteria and immune systems are main triggered causes.

Happiness is having less painful experience or sickness.

Happiness can not be found in external sources whether it is a physical location, a nice building, a good service or a satisfied product. all that tangible things do not define happiness.

疾病来襲如旋风,Illness is like a hurricane,

大树小树全落地, When it comes, big tree, small trees are all gone,

少住病床是幸福,Happiness is having less painful experience,

圣诞前夕共勉之。May this be everybody wishes in this festive season.

Happiness links to external source, it is not happiness, it is called feeling good. You feel good after a sumptuous meal or bought a new car...

May you be happy always.

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