228. Mind over Body. Yes 20% of time is right

Body indeed controls the mind, yes most of the time. Mind controls the body, only sometimes. - Simon Kong Act a superficial level, a mind controls a body. But in actual fact the body controls the mind; for examples when you are hungry you know it, when you smell somethings good you know it. Mind controls the body, yes it happens but it is not so often. Mind controls intention and motivation. Mind process like thinking which creates action with a help from the body. Therefore mind can't control the body but mind can influence the body. In short: Body first, Mind second, there is a logical order in it. Let me give you seven examples: Where the body controls the mind. Example 1: In my last few km of marathon run. It is not mind over body, it is the results of training ie body endurance and muscle strength are the keys. When a body runs in rhythms then a mind control is not necessary. Example 2: It is my personal experience again. In Tienshan (khazhastan) mountain region,...