228. Mind over Body. Yes 20% of time is right

Body indeed controls the mind, yes most of the time. Mind controls the body, only sometimes. - Simon Kong

Act a superficial level, a mind controls a body. But in actual fact the body controls the mind; for examples when you are hungry you know it, when you smell somethings good you know it.

Mind controls the body, yes it happens but it is not so often. Mind controls intention and motivation. Mind process like thinking which creates action with a help from the body. Therefore mind can't control the body but mind can influence the body.

In short: Body first, Mind second, there is a logical order in it. Let me give you seven examples: Where the body controls the mind.

Example 1: In my last few km of marathon run. It is not mind over body, it is the results of training ie body endurance and muscle strength are the keys. When a body runs in rhythms then a mind control is not necessary.

Example 2: It is my personal experience again. In Tienshan (khazhastan) mountain region, we crossed icy river, it was 25m wide across. In the midway of crossing, my whole body sunk like having hypothermia, the mind couldn't think or refuse to think, In that situation people like us who live in a tropical country all the times then even my strong mind didn't work at all, although I tried to use mind control very hard.

Example 3: There is a situation the body doesn't control the mind when the body is under coma state, due to sickness or accident.

Example 4: From a survey result, we asked people who went up Mt Everest. Ask them to decide body first or mind first? We have a team of seven ladies went up to Mt Everest. All seven almost got it there except one just missed a little, just a little because her body failed at that crucial moment. There is no doubt that all seven have very strong mind then anyone in our country. One lady of the team, her body just failed at a critical moment. To me, I considered all seven ladies already summited Mt Everest. It is not about altitude summit. It is about mental summit. Given her another attempt with money and time supports, she will be there.

Example 5: For people who have gone through traumatic experience, Body healing helps, mind healing would take longer time.

Example 6: Mind Ritual and Mantra help to reduce some body weaknesses. But when analyse it in detail, there are the result of body resonance which produces body healing effect, this healing is a part of body parasympathetic function, not the mind power.

Example 7: "Learn to Listen to Our Body' which means that our minds need to be extra sensitive to what the bodies tell us. The mind must listen to the body in order for the system to achieve maximized synergy and outputs.

Learn to understand the body, then let the mind behaves well according to the body condition. Let the body speaks.

My Finding: Mind and Body complement each other, however Body first, Mind comes next.

Then what controls the body? The answer is simple: ZhongQi. - Simon Kong

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