
Showing posts from September, 2009

11. Three States of Mind

May I suggest these three states of mind for our every day living. The Wealthy State of Mind - How to achieve it? By Giving and receiving.- This is a process, it takes time, effort and strategy to create wealth. The Healthy State of Mind - How to achieve it? By having Healthy Brainwaves.- This is a process but it takes time, effort and discipline to maintain optimum health. The Happy State of Mind - How to achieve it? By having Calmness & Alertness; Peace and Serenity. - This is not a process. It requires no time, effort and strategy to maintain happiness. In our daily life, Healthy, Happy and Wealthy Mind complement our body. Besides the body needs balanced diet, good sleep and physical exercise. Invest our times wisely, exercise our intelligence power, change our old habits and put in more efforts to explore better life styles available to us.

10. What we really want is to have a good sleep.

A Good Sleep at any time and at any place is a gift. - Simon Kong Take care of our sleep before we could do any things useful for ourselves and for the whole community. - Think of a good quality of sleep first and then think about works second. People tend to think that we can work hard and complete the job then we can have a better rest. Be aware that we may be over burden our body system. Below are some provocating thoughts: 1. "Life is preparing yourself well during the day for a good night sleep." - Simon Kong 2. "you must sleep sometime between lunch and dinner, and no halfway measures. Take off your clothes and get into bed. That's what I always do. Don't think you will be doing less work because you sleep during the day. That's foolish notion held by people who have no imaginations. you will be able to accomplish more. You get two days in one-well, at least one and a half." - Winston Churchill So take care of what we do in a day and observe how w...

9. Managing Success and Failure

Dismantle the Success and Failure Pendulum in Your Mind. We had success and we had Failure. When we look at success and failure as two extreme entities then it leads to a clear distinction of 'have it' or 'dont have it' state of mind. The greed for success or the fear of failure will set in like a pendulum. Whether it is a health condition or a carrer path, nobody can stay at top of the apex. The nature works in this way, we have to learn to accept it. Here is a mind pendulum written in Chinese (author unknown). A never ending pendulum: 説説就好 説了又不听 听了又不懂 不懂又不問 問了又不会 会了又不做 做了又做錯 錯了又不認 認了又不改 改了又不服 不服又不説 説説就好 That never ending swing of pendulum will dictate our life until one day we would ask a basic question. Such as what is a success? What is failure? Who is that for? or who has made that failure or success? As we redefine the success or failure for ourselves and the community, as we build our health, happiness and accumulation of wealth, we would realise that the success...