10. What we really want is to have a good sleep.

A Good Sleep at any time and at any place is a gift. - Simon Kong

Take care of our sleep before we could do any things useful for ourselves and for the whole community. - Think of a good quality of sleep first and then think about works second.

People tend to think that we can work hard and complete the job then we can have a better rest. Be aware that we may be over burden our body system.

Below are some provocating thoughts:

1. "Life is preparing yourself well during the day for a good night sleep." - Simon Kong

2. "you must sleep sometime between lunch and dinner, and no halfway measures. Take off your clothes and get into bed. That's what I always do. Don't think you will be doing less work because you sleep during the day. That's foolish notion held by people who have no imaginations. you will be able to accomplish more. You get two days in one-well, at least one and a half." - Winston Churchill

So take care of what we do in a day and observe how we do it in order to have a good sleep at night.

3, "We write our own destiny; we become what we do." - Soong May-Ling

Common Misperceptions:

1. Sleep time is a waste of time.
This is a notion that held by many people. They forgot that a good may sleep lead to a better efficiency and effectiveness.

A poor sleep may lead to depression and a depressed state may lead to a poor sleep. This is a viscious cycle. Sleep issues are complex in nature.

2. A good sleep is NREM and REM sleeps combined.
This is not as that simple as people had thought of. A good sleep is more than just NREM and REM sleeps.

EEG Biofeedback Brain Training:

Why we need to take the trouble to make a whole day preparation is just for a good sleep at night? The reason is very simple. It is because good sleeps reduce our ageing process and good sleeps made us becoming more resourceful. We would become smarter after a good sleep. That is our right.

Everyone knows the benefit of a good sleep but how many of them know how to keep the brain in a good state of sleep. EEG Biofeedback brainwave training is one of those solutions.

Listen to our body signals.

" When you are in good health, happy and prosperous in life. Be grateful." - Simon Kong

There are many other methods which help promoting sleep

You could explore other methods for sleep such as:

- energy healing, prayer and chanting ( it is a personal choice and it has a religion connoation for some. For other you could use it purely as a mind exercise),
- listening to brainwave music every night, or
- taking melatonin enhancing foods as your complementary diets.
- a proper meditation technique that could help you back to a normal physiological state.

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