9. Managing Success and Failure

Dismantle the Success and Failure Pendulum in Your Mind.

We had success and we had Failure. When we look at success and failure as two extreme entities then it leads to a clear distinction of 'have it' or 'dont have it' state of mind. The greed for success or the fear of failure will set in like a pendulum.

Whether it is a health condition or a carrer path, nobody can stay at top of the apex. The nature works in this way, we have to learn to accept it.

Here is a mind pendulum written in Chinese (author unknown). A never ending pendulum:


That never ending swing of pendulum will dictate our life until one day we would ask a basic question. Such as what is a success? What is failure? Who is that for? or who has made that failure or success?

As we redefine the success or failure for ourselves and the community, as we build our health, happiness and accumulation of wealth, we would realise that the success and failure can come co-existence with each other in harmony.

Be aware. For every success venture there are failure elements and any failure encounters there are bright spots of opportunity.

The word opportunity in Chinese consists of two chinese characters "wei-ji". Most people prefer to break the words into two separate nouns. Hence they would see "weiji" as danger "wei" and opportunity "ji" - At present the way people look at 'weiji' has created a source of unnecessary stress for themselves. Why?

When the stress accumulated strong enough then the pendulum swing to its extreme ends. The negative effect of the swing is that the mind would not settle at an optimum state for any useful ventures and that would compromise our health condition, memory and creativity.

Cultivating Mindfulness

When we start to learn how to live with mindfulness, acceptance and accommodate differences, Success and failure have become one entity then we would be able to eliminate the barrier for peak performance state and achieve a lot more meaning in life and be successful in life.

Can you see success and failure confortably as creative abundance?

A new mindset would help us not see a line drawn between a success and a falilre as a distinct black and white entity. When we see success and failure not as each separate single entity then we would not see 'win or lose' as mutually exclusive as it used to be. We would become more forgiving, accomodating, cheerful when dealing with people,handling events,situation with much more satisfaction for ourselves and others.

Seeing a success and a failure as a whole would help us for a better life style transition in our pursuit for a better quality of life.

About Setting Goals

Set Goals. Focus on the process of peak performance and let the outcome be just a feedback. We will take the feedback seriously as to monitor the progress of an event or a activity.

Be aware of focus on only the outcome without paying attention to the mindfulness process because that would lead us to a fault sense of competency. When we are not truthful enough to oursleves, the pendulum would swing to one end to another end and in the process we are most likely having a monkey mind.

Our goal setting must be big enough to encompass success and failure.

Different people define Success differently. Enjoy this video clip from u-tube Patioshoppers.com.

Failure is a part of Success and you would probably internalise it. How about Success is a part of Failure. Have you found a new perspective of success-failure pendulum?

We are what we are repeatedly doing - Simon Kong

We will perform less than optimum when we see yourselves as very important persons. When we believe that we have dominant powers over others. When we believe that in every activity, it must revolve around us. This is the time we are riding on a pendulum which keeps us swinging non-stop without us knowing it.

How do we know we are on the wild swing pendulum? Answer: When we are burn out!

How about seeing ourselves as persons who are given certain responsibilities to do good jobs with care, committment and competency. We would try what we can do to make it better for ourselves and for others. We are humble with every experience gained. We treat others and ourselves fairly and equally. Having inner peace in whatever we do is the first step to break away this pendulum. This is not a pure philosophically speaking and this has brainwave evidence to show.

"A step towards creative mind is to see success and failure as one whole entity." - simon Kong

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