
Showing posts from November, 2009

30. Wishing You A Merry Christmas

Wishing You a Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year. --- Click it to enlarge the crystal

29. Open our minds

Brain waves coaching Lights are generated by electricity or battery. Lights permit us to see in the dark. Thanks to Thomas Edison who helped the human race to advance its civilisation. Edison was a misunderstood child. In 1837 the Edison family fled from Canada to the U.S. because Thomas Edison's father was involved in a revolutionary movement against the Canadian Government. Ten years later Thomas was born, and within his first six years he had managed to burn down the family barn. During his early years, Thomas suffered from scarlet fever and several ear infections, which left him hard of hearing. Thomas Alvin Edison is cited more often than any other historical figure for exhibiting classic hyperactive ADD behavior. We need many Edisons to solve our world challenges. In my opinion, an ordinary people do not have the wit to handle the world challenges as they do not possess the neccessary brainwave patterns to be creative. In contrast, people who are now being labelled as ADHD/A...

28. Hebb's Law

Donald Hebb knew the nature of the brain cell. he was one of the pioneers of Neuroscience. Donald Hebb dsicovered the energy souce of the mind. He paved the foundation of more discoveries in neuroscience. When an axon of cell A is near enough to excite cell B and repeatedly or persistently takes part in firing it, some growth process or metabolic change takes place in one or both cells such that A's efficiency, as one of the cells firing B, is increased. This is often paraphrased as "Neurons that fire together wire together." It is commonly referred to as Hebb's Law. -wikipedia -

27. Cultivating the re-use mindset and add value to other people life

The uncontrollable carbon dioxide emission is a known fact. Differrent people blame the emission on different causes. If your are a car maker or a tobacco maker or a plantation owner you would blame the global warming as effects of solar black spots and solar peak magnetic field interference cycle. Let's put all the commercial interests aside. As a citizen, if we find that we have somethings we don't use them. Don't throw them as rubbish. Because the things you don't find them useful but other people may find them very useful instead. The world needs to find solutions of disposing un-used goods, foods and fruits which are over packaged. You may see some food items in supermarket which are having 300% packaging.That is called over packaging. Plastic is good for its corrosion resistant and being light weight. We could make full use of it values but we can't make everything out of plastics. The earth just can not bear the result of burning plastic into carbon dioxide, ...

26. EEG Biofeedback Computer Technology Based Mind Coaching

When one of my neighbours was doing renovation work. The sound generated from the drill bit was not easy to bear. There were choices to be made, either I ignored the sound or I got out from my flat to avoid the noise. But I have decided to hook up an EEG Biofeedback machine to quiet the mind. EEG Biofeedback can help us overcome inattention, irritability, agitation and emotional reactivity, being more physically agile individual,less procrastination, have better delayed gratification and being mentally sharp. Other benefits include better ideas creation, better reading, memory works, able to respect authority and attaining higher energy level because the brain is the final organ which interprets signals from outside world.

25. Win or Lose in an investment is in the selection of a compatible mind.

Whether we are doing our own financial investments or working as a partner of investment with others. Before we venture into any form of investments , be mindful of our investment partners' mindsets and personality types. Our investment partners can be our remisers or our fund managers or our business partners. Be aware of the compatibility of our partners' and our own mindsets on investment. In order to gain from an investment, despite of many other external variable factors, our mind and our investment partner's mind must be in synchrony. Our personality and the partners' must not be in conflict in term of energy level and communication channel. Hence our winning strategies will depend on our partners' supporting roles and our own efforts. The success in any investment has become more lasting and fullfiling. Research this well. ---

24. Win or lose in a contest?

WIN A CAR CONTEST Who will be the winner in a touch-a-car winning contest? There is a contest event happening in town, the contest started with some 400 participants. All the participants are very fit people. The rules of the car-touching contest are: 1) Each participant needs to use a hand hold-on to a car's windscreen for a few days. Without removing his/her hand from the windscreen, the last person who can remain standing and holding a car is the winner. 2) Participants need to stand in a hand-still position and are being exposed to outdoor weather conditions: standing days and nights under the hot sun, wind or rain . 3) For every one hour they are allowed to take a rest for 5 mins. Here is my general observation of the contest: After 48 hours into the contest I saw 70+ participants survived. After 60 hours into the contest there were 17 participants remaining. After 70 hours into the contest I saw 7 remaining. After 74 hours, I witness four particapinats remaining . Let me cal...

23. Addiction and Phobia paralyse the mind

Addiction craving, a phobia for a specific event or a phobia of insects are so stubborn and long-lived. All these are our natural mechanism to cope with stress, pleasure, and invaders. Enjoying coffee, alcohol everyday at a moderate amount is a lifestyle choice. If that amount consume is exceeded the normal amount that we may call it a mild addiction. people can have daily dependent on such item to make life more functional. Other more serious addictions are substance abuse, sex addiction and more. The list of addiction could be very long and the cure can be mental, emotional and physical. The process of recovery could be long. Addiction craving is an assertive body response whereas phobia is a body reactive response. The source of phobia comes from the environment and the addiction could come from the mind. One can avoid phobia conditions and phobia induced environment but it is difficult to avoid addictive urge. Addiction and phobia have two entirlely different neuro-pathways. Anxiet...