29. Open our minds

Brain waves coaching

Lights are generated by electricity or battery. Lights permit us to see in the dark. Thanks to Thomas Edison who helped the human race to advance its civilisation.

Edison was a misunderstood child.

In 1837 the Edison family fled from Canada to the U.S. because Thomas Edison's father was involved in a revolutionary movement against the Canadian Government. Ten years later Thomas was born, and within his first six years he had managed to burn down the family barn. During his early years, Thomas suffered from scarlet fever and several ear infections, which left him hard of hearing.

Thomas Alvin Edison is cited more often than any other historical figure for exhibiting classic hyperactive ADD behavior.

We need many Edisons to solve our world challenges.

In my opinion, an ordinary people do not have the wit to handle the world challenges as they do not possess the neccessary brainwave patterns to be creative. In contrast, people who are now being labelled as ADHD/ADD/Asperger/Dyslexic are more 'brainwave ready' to tackle the world hot issues. Dyslexic, Bipolar and autistic children are equally gifted and what we need is to provide them more helps in emotional control.

it is reponsibilties of parents of special kids to tell them that they are not having learning difficulty. Instead, they are born with genius ability. Encourage them to find their natural talents and pursue with that talents.

At EEG Asia what we need is to coach these children to be more awakened in their mind states. we just need to do a bit of 'finishing touch' to awaken their brain waves.

As my mentor Anna says it precisely : "Awakened Mind™ brainwave state has access to the unconscious empathy, intuition, and radar of the delta waves, the subconscious creative storehouse, inspiration and spiritual connection of the theta waves, the bridging capacity, lucidity and vividness of imagery, and relaxed detached awareness of the alpha waves, and the ability to consciously process thoughts in beta – all at the same time! "

In a recent Scientific American Mind article (Nov-09 Issues), I read that Dalai Rama appeals "to the neuroscience community to develop a technological replacemet for the many hours spent immersed thought" (in producing beneficial meditating state using technology).

We are here in EEG Asia is already doing the real stuff for brain and mind development for all people including people who are being labelled as late developers. We need to open our mind to accept this new facts. The lag time can be a few years to a few decades. Can the world afford to wait it longer?



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