27. Cultivating the re-use mindset and add value to other people life

Let's put all the commercial interests aside. As a citizen, if we find that we have somethings we don't use them. Don't throw them as rubbish. Because the things you don't find them useful but other people may find them very useful instead.
The world needs to find solutions of disposing un-used goods, foods and fruits which are over packaged. You may see some food items in supermarket which are having 300% packaging.That is called over packaging.
Plastic is good for its corrosion resistant and being light weight. We could make full use of it values but we can't make everything out of plastics. The earth just can not bear the result of burning plastic into carbon dioxide, nitrogen dioxide and sulphur dioxide. Petrol after burning is another big challenge to global warming. Would you consider buying or doing somethings which are environmentally friendly?
There are many ways to re-use, we may consider reuse our old electrical items, give them to someone who wants them; reuse your wooden cabinets and convert them to somethings useful. A lot can be done to re-use but it begins with awareness of climate change. We have to accept climate change is real.
Someone may think that climate change is not an issue. They think that there are people want to make use of climate change to make more money. If this is the case please find out and tell us the truth who is benefited from climate change.

Even we are small in area and size we should not under estimate of how our activities could produce liquid, solid wastes and gases emission which are harmful to the Environment. We can start to do something to reduce, reuse and recycle material.
Small country such as Singapore may generate more CO2 then country such as Iceland or an island of New Guinea? We can save the earth by not giving any excuses.
"Reuse is to use an item more than once. This includes conventional reuse where the item is used again for the same function, and new-life reuse where it is used for a new function. In contrast, recycling is the breaking down of the used item into raw materials which are used to make new items. By taking useful products and exchanging them, without reprocessing, reuse help us save time, money, energy and resources.
In a broader economic sense, reuse offers quality products to people and organizations with limited means, while generating jobs and business activity that contribute to the economy." - From Wikipedia
"Other countries around the world will be waiting for us. They will watch to see what we do. " And if they say, ah, you know, the United States and China, they are not serious about this, then they won't be serious either." - Barack Obama on climate change
Let's see what they are doing in the climate talk!
The ocean temperature is rising day after day. Once the cold water stops flowing from west hemisphere to east hemisphere and hot water stops flowing from east to west, we would experience heavy, intensive and consistent rainfall from the sky, these rainfalls falling all the way onto the land of seven continents instead of going back to oceans. People need to aware that When there will be a time the temperature of atlantic ocean is not cold any more and the pacific ocean temperature is remaining too hot; this process is irreversible, the available lands for harvesting are getting smaller and smallest...
Be a good world citizen. Act Now to reduce all kinds of waste : energy, solid, liquid or gas emission.
We may not feel the serious impact of global warming but i am sure our next generations may have to live in the sea, in the ocean and in big rivers all over around us.