241. My Learning Journey
A photo with the world champion of the vertical challenge.
With the world champion of the vertical challenge as a motivator
My learning journey in 2025 below:
1. Taoism, Buddhism, Confucian:
Taoism is on nothingness, aware non-biasness of the nature. Buddhism is about wisdom seeking, within self. Confucian is about when the rule of jungle subsided, the pricinple of human respect applies.
2. Medicine:
Western, Chinese medcine and Neurology are intertwined.
3. History :
It is about human character and the secret of numerology
4. Travel:
It is about physical exercise, heartbeat rhythms monitoring and listening to the music of nature resonance.
5. Literature:
Learnig the power of listening, speakig with phonetic, reading especially rapid reading and writing.
6. Investment:
It is about Persuasion, social gathering, psychology.
7. Vertical Challenge: Climb slope of Bukit Timah hill, begins with 10X