67. Memory and Creativity

Questions on Memory and Creativity: Why I combine these two subjects? Can we train memory power? Can we be creative? Now let’s look at these two subjects separately Memory: The classic text of memory on a scientific ground is a book written by Eric R Kandel, a winner of the noble prize. He discovered the molecules of memory. Last year I attended a talk by a practical memory guru. He name is Nishant. He can impress you with his number memory and memory of thousands of unrelated items But he told us that when we was a teenager he had an ordinary memory. So Memory is a learnt skill. Creativity: Edward De Bono is another guru on creativity subject. In his latest book titled: Think. The first topic in that book is creativity. He asks this provocative question. Is creativity a talent or a skill? Obviously if creativity is a talent then we would not have spent so many hours writing a chapter of a book on creativity. So Creativity is a learnt skill. Creativity is problem identification ie by ...