63. Qi - The vital energy force of a body

My discussion of QI here, it has no religious implication.

Qi is in a form of energy which flows in a body and supported by earth magnetic field. When harmonial vibration of body parts, Qi flow. When Qi accumulated in certain parts of body, they create resonance to promote blood flood.- Simon Kong

Qi is energy circulating in our body in a dynamic state, it has no form or shape. Qi is a form of energy flows within the body. With practice some people have the ability to make Qi flow out of the body. When Qi is abundance, some people use Qi to heal others.

Qi is measurable, it has infrared and electricity component but so far the measurment is not scientific enough to convince the general public. By telling people to feel Qi has made the understanding of Qi become complicated and hence add to its mystery.

Depending where you come from, the present ways of explanation of existence of Qi make one's religion belief even stronger. Most of the time the explanation confuses people. Depending on one religion belief, one has different intepretation of Qi experience. So separate Qi from religion belief for the time being. Be open to new ideas.

If you are just want to have good health, do the followings:

1) Relax and sit quietly; body upright- no 'quesion mark' or 'fishing hook'.
2) Take deep breaths for five to ten times, slowly and gentlely.
3) Now. Close your eyes.
4) Repeat breathing gently and slowly for 15 mins
5) Open your eyes. Do a simple stretching exercise.
6) Practise it two times a day.

There is a time when Qi is activated by brainwave patterns and the molecules of emotion, but it is too early to identify the source of Qi.

When our body feel better, ask for no explanation. Be happy.

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