66. Obesity

If our BMI is above 30 we are considered obese.
Why Obese?
The likely answers would be
1) Eating habits and lifestyle
2) Genetic make up
3) Lack of physical exercise (especially at the older age)
4) Sleep problems ie sleep Apnea
5) Lack of oxygen in the brain
6) Woman's weight before she becomes pregnant and her weight gain during pregnancy
7) No Breast-feeding after birth ( Breast fed children are 22 percent less likely to become obese.)
8) Foods allergy and sensitive gut
9) Hormones inbalance
10) Insulin resistance
The likely solutions would be addressing the above ten possible weaknesses in our body and mind.
To overcome obesity the basic principle of energy balance applied in most cases: that is input is equal to output or output is greater than input
On a brain level, the most important thing is to train the brain to keep in touch with the body feeling. Brainwave training would help. Contact Simon Kong of EEG Asia