75. What is Stress?

Failure creates stress. Success also creates stress and even more. What is stress or what are stresses? According to wilipedia:" Stress is a term in psychology and biology, first coined in the biological context in the 1930s, which has in more recent decades become a commonplace of popular parlance. It refers to the consequence of the failure of an organism – human or animal – to respond appropriately to emotional or physical threats, whether actual or imagined.[1] Stress symptoms commonly include a state of alarm and adrenaline production, short-term resistance as a coping mechanism, and exhaustion, as well as irritability, muscular tension, inability to concentrate and a variety of physiological reactions such as headache and elevated heart rate.[2]" In my opinion stress is like a water pipe under pressure, it is a stored energy in a brain. Some stored energies can be dissipated over time then we would behave normally, but when the stored energy cannot be easily dissipated ...