
Showing posts from August, 2010

75. What is Stress?

Failure creates stress. Success also creates stress and even more. What is stress or what are stresses? According to wilipedia:" Stress is a term in psychology and biology, first coined in the biological context in the 1930s, which has in more recent decades become a commonplace of popular parlance. It refers to the consequence of the failure of an organism – human or animal – to respond appropriately to emotional or physical threats, whether actual or imagined.[1] Stress symptoms commonly include a state of alarm and adrenaline production, short-term resistance as a coping mechanism, and exhaustion, as well as irritability, muscular tension, inability to concentrate and a variety of physiological reactions such as headache and elevated heart rate.[2]" In my opinion stress is like a water pipe under pressure, it is a stored energy in a brain. Some stored energies can be dissipated over time then we would behave normally, but when the stored energy cannot be easily dissipated ...

74. Unconsciously Competent

I attended a concert last night @ racecourse. It was an excellent play and the weather was supered. I hope there will be a live record on this performance. When a musician has reached a peak performance state, there will be no more fear, the mind is totally alert and focus. Any environmental disturbances won't affect the performance. Below is another good piece of music.Enjoy

73. Special Needs Children

"Children with behavior issues don't respond to traditional discipline. With diagnoses like ADHD, Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder, Dysfunction of Sensory Integration, and Tourette Syndrome, they require specialized strategies that are tailored to their specific abilities and disabilities. If those strategies are not developed and used, kids with behavior issues throw their families into chaos and are seriously at risk for school problems. Their parents need to be flexible and creative." -- Terri Mauro, ADHD and Autstic Children are in fact born with patterns of brainwaves which can be put into full career advancement in sport, music and arts. Ways to train their brain into full potential may take a longer time, however to help them fine tune their brainwave pattern using mind coaching that would take a very short time to accomplish. This may be good news for children who are born with special needs who want to excel in sports, music and arts. With a success story...

72. Brainwaves determine Performance

Our Brainwaves determine our behaviours and performance 24 hours a day. Brainwaves influence our awake state, NREM and REM sleeping states. “Brainwave determines Intention, Intention determines Perspective, Perspective determines Behaviour Behaviour determines Performance. - Simon Kong” Recent research findings have confirmed that brainwaves are not just electrical impulses or wave signals. They have more complicated functions which serve our body well than just simply mechanical vibration of cells which keeps us alive. The best way to look at brainwave activities is to relate its roles as neuro-chemical synthesis and homeostasis balancing in our brain. How neurochemicals do to our brain which produce changes in behaviors and performance? We must strike a balance between excitatory neurochemicals and inhibitory neurochemicals. The Ying Yang Theory of a human body might have its neurochemical origin.

71. A Good Home - It depends on all efforts put in by generations of people

What do we want our home to be? Socially Safe,Least Expensive Living, Environmental Clean & Green (Water, Air, and Land), Less crowded place, Less Dust and More High Tech Industrial Parks... Each generation of Singaporeans has to contribute to the country well being. Kit Chan is a home grown musician. She sings, she understands, she appreciates… Kit Chan lives with a Singaporean experience.

70. Is Meditation Good or Bad ?

The ways we define meditation will determine the quality of meditation - Simon Kong This is a subject it may have spiritual and non spiritual implication. Why we need to meditate? For our healthy body? or for spiritual connection? Set our intention right. Unless we have an EEG equipment standby to verify, do not ask for a result of meditation as we have no clues whether we have done it right for now or for the past years. The fact is that when we want to get fast result the more we won't get result. Meditation is based on feeling... different people have different feeling. My suggestion to people who are engaging in meditation: Except for one who has a deep spiritual pursue or connection. Do not over do it. When you are not feeling well, stop it. Improper meditation may lead to halluciations. Do not indulge with meditation. Meditation should be easy and trouble free. Meditation is not a process, meditation is a state. There is no need to lock yourslef in the dark room or punish you...

69. Sustainable World

Landfilled Island from the Seas I think our world is facing a huge problem. Rubbish which we generated is going to give us huge problems ahead. The problems are in three areas 1) Too much rubbish. Everyday we produce too much rubbish. When we visit super market we can see a piece of food or fruit, it has 200% or 300% packaging all over it. We are in the era of over-packaging. 2) Too much of burning: Every day we burn away the unused petrol waste, we burn away the rubbish. We will generate extra tons of CO2, this CO2, heat and water vapor trapped in the air. When it cools down the rain will just pouring over the land. The water is not going to falling back to the ocean. It will continue falling on the farming land. Massive floods will occur on the lands everywhere. 3) The present uncontrollable spending economical structure will bring the world to a point of self destruction. We cleverly created a self-locked system which prevents us from getting out of this dire situation. We are the v...

68. Why Human Being have so much trouble?

This question has not been answered for thousand of years. From the author of Peace and War to Noble Peace Prize winners. At times, ten hundreds year ago most Chinese believed that they were the most civilised human being on earth. A few hundreds year ago westeners wanted to expand their market shares due to industrialization; some of them believed that they were the best. some British, Spain, Norwegian, Dutch, German, French and even American beleived they are the best. In the east since meiji era, many Japanese people believed that they were peculiar people. On the religion front. Religious supremacy was dominating the conflict. With Race, Religion and these were complicated by economic domination, power domination, and this is the situation our world is in now. Let's step back for a while. Imagine we are the only people in this world, we are the same as a human kind, shall we think like a human being as we are human being who are born with the same birth right and with the same ...