73. Special Needs Children

"Children with behavior issues don't respond to traditional discipline. With diagnoses like ADHD, Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder, Dysfunction of Sensory Integration, and Tourette Syndrome, they require specialized strategies that are tailored to their specific abilities and disabilities. If those strategies are not developed and used, kids with behavior issues throw their families into chaos and are seriously at risk for school problems. Their parents need to be flexible and creative." -- Terri Mauro,About.com

ADHD and Autstic Children are in fact born with patterns of brainwaves which can be put into full career advancement in sport, music and arts. Ways to train their brain into full potential may take a longer time, however to help them fine tune their brainwave pattern using mind coaching that would take a very short time to accomplish. This may be good news for children who are born with special needs who want to excel in sports, music and arts.

With a success story in sports, music and arts then we would gradually bring them back to academy excellent. It can be done.

Geniuses are special needs people with optimum brainwave patterns.

Special needs people are people who are having good brainwave patterns but they are not in ready states of mind yet. The good news is that it can be trained.

Know yourself and do something about it. First, let's start with physical exercise...

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