68. Why Human Being have so much trouble?

This question has not been answered for thousand of years. From the author of Peace and War to Noble Peace Prize winners.
At times, ten hundreds year ago most Chinese believed that they were the most civilised human being on earth.
A few hundreds year ago westeners wanted to expand their market shares due to industrialization; some of them believed that they were the best. some British, Spain, Norwegian, Dutch, German, French and even American beleived they are the best.
In the east since meiji era, many Japanese people believed that they were peculiar people.
On the religion front. Religious supremacy was dominating the conflict.
With Race, Religion and these were complicated by economic domination, power domination, and this is the situation our world is in now.
Let's step back for a while. Imagine we are the only people in this world, we are the same as a human kind, shall we think like a human being as we are human being who are born with the same birth right and with the same equality.
Let's look at our blood. When we go to any hospital we only see blood types A, B, AB and O and nothing else. We can use our own blood type from any human being.
The world of peace is very possible if we can think like a human being. Think humanity first and think of our race, religion and profession supremacy second. We will have a better world.
I stay in some parts of the world for a short while. Whether it is in Singapore, Malyasia, India, Australia, Japan. America, England, Belgium or Northern Ireland. People are the same. We share the same world, we have the same blood group and we share the first and final destiny. Think of our sameness rather than the differences and that will make a better world for us to live in.
In the meantine enjoy Paul's awakened music and that would bring us a step closer to an awkaened planet. Thanks Paul Collier