84. Genius, Awakened and Ordinary People

I like this comment: "A genious is a person who has escaped the clutchings and conditionings, machinations, etc. of his society. He is born and went through the system but knows what is being done to him. From time to time, we get that person popping out, completely unscatched through the system.." - Anonymous

How I see Genius and Ordinary people?

I see them in terms of their ability in managing emotion.

Here is my list of looping cycle:

Schizophrenia (go by looping circle)
Autistic (low functional Asperger)
Awakened people with high performance mind (not necessary religious people)
Ordinary people (fall into 95% percentile of a population)
Schizophrenia (in looping circle)

The ability of managing emotion affects our normal daily life. Do we want to be a genius or ordinary people? For Genius people their neurons are firing too aggressively hence emotional burn out is common for these groups of people.

So the in-between categories are Asperger, ADHD/ADD, Dyslexic. People who are in this category enjoy the best in both worlds. Now you may change the perception of so-called special needs people.

Do we want to be spiritual persons? spiritual persons include people who have true faith in religion practice;being less materialistic, people who have high wisdom with letting go mindset. If we want to be one of them, we must prepare to let go earthy desires. Can we?

Genius is not born, Genius is not mere hardwork, but Genius is having time and a freedom to do things it wants. With normal IQ, 20 percentile of population can be gloomed to become Geniuses.

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