
Showing posts from July, 2011

111. Five Elements of Nature

People with different culture interpret a nature differently. In the west they look into the atomic structure of the nature and energy level of matter. In China, the model of five element which describes the property of matter and the interaction between the elements. In Nepal they interpret nature in a wider horizon, they look into the element of nature ie Sky, Wind, Fire, Water and Earth. All these elements can be found in Nepal Trekking Sky, Wind, Fire, Water and Earth. Sky & Wind Water & Earth Fire In a macroview the sunlight gives us fire, which gives us energy, but in the microview sense our hearts give us fire. Yes we need fire, we need energy and we need compassion... When we connect five elements (sky, wind, fire, water, earth), we will then connect the nature. - Be Present Blue, white, red, green, and then yellow. Blue symbolizes sky/space, white symbolizes air/wind, red symbolizes fire, green symbolizes water, and yellow symbolizes earth, in that order.

110. New Complement to Western Medicine

I begin to see the benefits of putting all treatment plans for a body's health and keep it healthy. A human body is a complex system. We have a limited knowledge of our own bodies, let alone how to put our bodies in healthy states. Recently my legs were injured at a road side by falling metal bars. At that time in my mind was to put every treatment plans together to recover my injuried legs as soon as possible. Any solutions are acceptable they can be western medicine, energy healing etc. Now my understanding of body health is simple: Gene’s therapy complements western medicine Western medicine complements oriental medicine Oriental medicine complements natural healing Natural healing complement spiritual healing (both with religion or without religion) Spiritual healing complement energy healing.

109. Resist Tempatation

"A temptation is an act that looks appealing to an individual. It is usually used to describe acts with negative connotations and as such, tends to lead a person to regret such actions, for various reasons: legal, social, psychological (including feeling guilt), health, economic, etc" - Wikipedia "Increasing temptation can mean that your standards and expectations for yourself are increasing" - Christianlenses Temptation is a difficult thing to endure. Temptation or greed are human nature. When condition is right it becomes very active. One way of resisting tempation or greed is to practise spirituality. Spirituality has the power to subdue a temptation and bring a body and busy mind to a still state. There is a difference between OCD+Phobia and Addiction. Addiction is instrinsic body need for love, phobia is external learned fears or inappropriate mind response to past event.

108. Convenience of Mind

Nowadays everybody just want everything that is convenient. The desire for convenience will come with a price. Take for example, plastics to replace heavy metal. The use of plastics benefits mankind for many new alternatives such as credit card, ziplog bag, plastic containers. However the way we exploit plastics has reached an epidemic level. Every thing you see is packaged with plastics. I feel bad for our mother earth she takes in all these rubbish when it turns into harmful invisible gas. Similarly many tools of convenience bring disastrous consequences to the earth environment. We pay for the price for what we did. Our actions create our future.

107. Freedom of Mind

Three case studies: Freedom of Mind is what the world needs to survive. Freedom of Mind leads to lasting world peace and with no wars. Let's look at the history of the following three countries, to determine whether they are able to survive peacefully in the cause of history: Case one history in China: Let's look at China history in perspective: 6000 to 4000 years ago : Tribal culture 4000 to 3000 years ago : Slavery culture 3000 to 2000 years ago : Democracy and Warring State culture (A lot of invention, philosophical findings in those days and similar to USA now) 2000 years ago to Now : Dynasty culture From Now to Next 1000 years: Possibly Freedom of Mind culture? or Remains at Dynasty culture? Deviation: +/- 200 years Case two history in North America: Let's look at North America history briefly 300 years ago and before : Slavery culture 300 years ago to Now : Democracy culture From now to Its Future Development: History may repeat itself. Be aware that a demo...