111. Five Elements of Nature
People with different culture interpret a nature differently. In the west they look into the atomic structure of the nature and energy level of matter. In China, the model of five element which describes the property of matter and the interaction between the elements.
In Nepal they interpret nature in a wider horizon, they look into the element of nature ie Sky, Wind, Fire, Water and Earth. All these elements can be found in Nepal Trekking Journey.ie Sky, Wind, Fire, Water and Earth.
Sky & Wind
Water & Earth
In a macroview the sunlight gives us fire, which gives us energy, but in the microview sense our hearts give us fire. Yes we need fire, we need energy and we need compassion...

When we connect five elements (sky, wind, fire, water, earth), we will then connect the nature. - Be Present
Blue, white, red, green, and then yellow.
Blue symbolizes sky/space, white symbolizes air/wind, red symbolizes fire, green symbolizes water, and yellow symbolizes earth, in that order.
In Nepal they interpret nature in a wider horizon, they look into the element of nature ie Sky, Wind, Fire, Water and Earth. All these elements can be found in Nepal Trekking Journey.ie Sky, Wind, Fire, Water and Earth.
Sky & Wind
Water & Earth
In a macroview the sunlight gives us fire, which gives us energy, but in the microview sense our hearts give us fire. Yes we need fire, we need energy and we need compassion...

When we connect five elements (sky, wind, fire, water, earth), we will then connect the nature. - Be Present
Blue, white, red, green, and then yellow.
Blue symbolizes sky/space, white symbolizes air/wind, red symbolizes fire, green symbolizes water, and yellow symbolizes earth, in that order.