107. Freedom of Mind

Three case studies:

Freedom of Mind is what the world needs to survive. Freedom of Mind leads to lasting world peace and with no wars.

Let's look at the history of the following three countries, to determine whether they are able to survive peacefully in the cause of history:

Case one history in China:

Let's look at China history in perspective:

6000 to 4000 years ago : Tribal culture

4000 to 3000 years ago : Slavery culture

3000 to 2000 years ago : Democracy and Warring State culture
(A lot of invention, philosophical findings in those days and similar to USA now)

2000 years ago to Now : Dynasty culture

From Now to Next 1000 years: Possibly Freedom of Mind culture? or Remains at Dynasty culture?

Deviation: +/- 200 years

Case two history in North America:

Let's look at North America history briefly

300 years ago and before : Slavery culture

300 years ago to Now : Democracy culture

From now to Its Future Development: History may repeat itself. Be aware that a democracy culture without awakened people and leaders may lead to warring state culture. A great nation will be created is when democracy culture imbeded with its citizens and its leaders possessed awakened mind quality.

Case 3 history in Singapore:

It has short history, not stable yet. 200 to 50 yreas ago : Dynasty culture

From now to its future destiny: A new nation tries an attempt to form a democracy culture and it may fall back to dynasty culture.

It is still in searching for a national identity. Will Singapore fall back to dynasty culture or to excel in freedom of mind culture? It may take hundreds of year to confirm the outcome. However it seems that there may be a transformation every hundredth years of history. Began with 1819 Sir Raffles, 1913 Lee KY and may be in 2016 there is a great leader born to bring the country to a greater height.

Looking into the future:

Where the world is heading to? Self destruction or Awakening Planet?

Democracy and religions provide peace of mind for individual citizen but they may not be powerful enough to bring peace to the world.

When we look at China 3000 to 2000 years ago, it was a very free, democratic and creative society but it ended up with warring states because democracy itself has its pitfall.

Dynasty culture is an old fashion and Democracy system is not good enogh

The missing link:

The missing link is to promote democracy structure AND train people with awakened mind state. New education model is a new starting point.

Freedom of Mind = Democracy + Awakened Mind - Simon Kong

Democracy in short is to respect individual life style and belief system. New education model and awakened mind training can help to foster the new process of nation building. Awakened mind is a state of mind when a brain is at its best functional state so people can act logically and emotionally in their decision making process. Awakened Mind state brings out the best in people (ie care, concerns, respect other views and belief systems, synergy and many other attributes). The wonderful thing is that it can be taught and it has patterns. Everyone of us have that potential patterns. What needed most are stages of awareness and acitivation process.

Overviewing last 100 years of history. Many men and women leaders over last 100 years with low self-esteem and greed brought wars or difficult to their countries. Impart leaders and people with awakened mind state can avoid having low self-esteem and greed.

On a Cambodia peaceful relation, I hope New Thai Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra will not follow others into a low self esteem trap which many world leaders and lady world leaders had made ego mistakes over last 100 years.

Future World

I have a very strong vision for the future world: People who believe in democary culture; peole who have awakened mind state and these people would bring freedom of mind to the world.

Dynasty culture will be liberated. Women restriction will be liberated but women remain as major roles as soul and role model for future generations especially at home. Outdated belief systems and practices will be diminished and faded away slowly like river monster...

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