116. Leadership

I am most impressed with leaders who are self made and who are not born. Being self made leaders are those who can assess the environment and people needs and they stand up the challenge for the people and to the people. These leaders have a simple concept that is not to have "I" mentality. These leaders are usually very strong headed but they are doing good for the people. The good examples are Nelson Mandela and Mahatma Gandhi.

Being self made leaders are born out of Experience. Now people begin to use brainwave training to enahance leadrship skills, yes brainwave leadership training certainly helps to make good leader quality, however the experience portion which a leader went through can't be replaced. Brain training can help in managing calmness, decision malking process, problem solving and many more. But pasion and compasion heart are somethings grow out of exposure and experience, there is no substitutes.

Leaders need to have the compassion heart, moral courage, character and integrity to stand up for their rights and in the process they use persuasive power to influence others' decision and gain followers loyalty.

We can't groom a leader and a leader is not born either. A leader is born out of uniqued situations. Almost all leaders are being born out of Situational and Environmental condition. A good leader can never be an opportunist. An opportunist can never be a good leader, people would find it out one day.

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