117. Sensory Acuity V_AD_A_K

People who are familiar with v ad a k term know that these are sensory acuity describes by NLP. NLP has been in existence for some 50 years. The founders of NLP are Richard Bandler, Robert Tilts and many pioneers. However people did not know that Chinese medical physicians are practcising v ad a k every day and over the last few thousand years of Chinese medicial history. The Chinese Doctors use 望(Look)、闻(Listen)、问(Ask)、切(Examine) is the equivalent of NLP v ad a k in practice.

When I called myself Neurofeedback Practitioner some years ago, many people in my country mistaken it as NLP Practitioner. So the less confusion term now for my profession is called EEG Biofeedback Trainer and Mind Coach

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