146. Starting From 2012+ : My New Year, New Century Resolutions

This is our only Earth. Year 2012 is not the end of the world. It is the beginning of a new century. Mayan calendar hinted that the world will come to an end in 2012 Many people worried about that but I don’t think so, because a big meteor,a size of 3football fields has left the earth orbit few days ago. We are lucky this time.Thank You for Mayan Blessings. We may not be so lucky next time. Our internal weaknesses are more serious than external threats. We may not survive with our own weaknesses If we don’t use our resources properly We may not be so lucky next time If we don’t reduce our defense budget by half We may not be so lucky next time If we don’t reduce world population by half We may not be so lucky next time If we don't reduce self-centred government agencies by half We may not be so lucky next time If we are wasteful in using our limited resources again and again We may not be so lucky next time If we have right passion but with wrong direction May we promote creativity...