139. White Blood Cells

As a personal level, we know our bodies need , white cells and red cells, when they are in a right mix, they complement each other. But too many of white cells over red cells are too bad for the body, i.e. the system degeneration. For example, the human body immune system malfunctions. So far the mankind has not found good panaceas for boosting body immune system yet. However, I find a simple solution to promote body immune system ie: Taking cold bath in the morning, simple. Try it for yourself. it works for me.
Similarly, as a national level, running a government is like managing our own bodies. In a larger perspective, the system of government of the world is a white cell; there are too many white cells now. The world system of government is in a cross road. Communism has it flaws but the capitalism has a bigger flaw.
It seems that we are living in a lost world. ie. uncontrollable spending and uncontrollable wastes.
Governments in the world should play minor roles, they should act small as white cell function in the body; white cells in small number. But when the government role has become a dominant force, it kills free enterprises. Things will turn from bad to worst. It is bad for the country and the world. The bad consequences of rigid governments intervention are many, for examples the governments become too greedy, too focused on showmanship, too focused on spiral-down party politics, too focused on competition, too much of interference in free market economy, confused and keep changing policy.
Possible Solutions:
Citizens have rights to demand their governments to run proper systems, proper governance, proper financial control and be transparent. World Governments should re-position their roles, set rules for fare competition, strong enforcement, police them and make sure that all players are following the set rules.
I like an article written by a German writer entitled "Put a brake on the western debt mountain." - " To be effective, such a debt brake mechanism must meet three tests; First, it must be anchored in countries constitutions, underscoring the hard to revoke character of the commitment. Second. Countries must undertake commitment mutually, as is now the case in Spain and Portugal to Italy. And third, in the light of the past failure of effective monitoring and enforcement, there must be independent watchdog agencies, equipped with penalsing powers in case of malperformance.", "Now that situation has reversed itself. This time, it is the West that has to take the tough medicine." - Klaus F Zimmermann
A story continues...
There was a time a baby bear ran away from a forest, this baby bear created problems; rampant neighborhoods, damaged properties and killed a few lives. Somebody, including the village chief had a good solution, instead of chasing it back to the forest, they decided to build a cage to hold the baby bear and feeding it to contain the damages. After some years, another smart guys thinking of building a bigger cage to contain the bigger bear…
Keep the bear, let go the big bear or kill the bear, in either way we have to face different consequences.
We need more leaders, ie business leaders who have good solutions, work hard and have more wisdom in finding more "good oxygenated blood cells" to our ailing economical systems.