146. Starting From 2012+ : My New Year, New Century Resolutions

Year 2012 is not the end of the world. It is the beginning of a new century.
Mayan calendar hinted that the world will come to an end in 2012
Many people worried about that but I don’t think so, because a big meteor,a size of 3football fields has left the earth orbit few days ago. We are lucky this time.Thank You for Mayan Blessings. We may not be so lucky next time.
Our internal weaknesses are more serious than external threats.
We may not survive with our own weaknesses
If we don’t use our resources properly
We may not be so lucky next time
If we don’t reduce our defense budget by half
We may not be so lucky next time
If we don’t reduce world population by half
We may not be so lucky next time
If we don't reduce self-centred government agencies by half
We may not be so lucky next time
If we are wasteful in using our limited resources again and again
We may not be so lucky next time
If we have right passion but with wrong direction
May we promote creativity, imagination and insight
May we promote peace effort
May we promote human logic, courage and discipline
May our world stay in a right way
May our earth stay in a safe orbit
May human race survive from over population
May a new model of market driven economy surfacing soon
May individuals be awakened such as care, concerns and respect others
May "Awakened interdependent democratic-socialism" be a model for the new world.
John Lennon, Albert Einstein and Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart were geniuses. What human race meeded most is Imagination.
"Good music is purely good energy of vibration " - Simon kong
I appreciate the advancement of neuroscience, String and M theories.By listening to geniuses, accept their foresights, we would live in a more civilised and sustainable world, for many years to come. If you want, you may watch a BBC DVD entitled Stephen Hawking's Unvierse for more possible answers.

"Geniuses are like thunderstorms. They go against the wind, terrify people , cleanse the air." - Soren Kierkegaard
Whatexactly seperates us from being an awakened human race?
There are many ways in explaining the existence of the Universe; scientifically,and spiritually. There are many ways in explaining how a brain works and how does the brain interpret the nature of the Universe, the evolution of life, the creation of words. In my opinion, one of the best ways of understanding the nature is to leave the Time to reveal itself; nothing but the truth. In the meantime, we are free to express our views and respect others' views.
Whether we are different in backgrounds and with different religions, with no religions or we may come from different regions of the earth with different habits and customs. These are our uniqued seperate ways. They remained as differences. But the threats that are facing human race are the same and they are real threats beyond our differences.
Help each other, tolerate each other, love each other. Because we live in an interdependent planet.
I look forward to a more fruitful year and a new century ahead 2012"
Tomorrow will be Better.
明天会更好( ming tian hui geng hao )
Test your tolerant level: Listen and viewing these videos all at the same time, at the same place (please adjust listening volume): To begin with, try to turn on all videos or you may partially them turn them on, check that whether you could tolerate multi-listening sounds and multiple viewings. You would appreciate the after effects of all the combined sounds have stopped, ie no time, no space; a total silent.
"When dusts from a mind are settled down, the mind will become clearer and calmer"
- Simon kong
My new century resolutions:
- May we double up the number of awakening behaviours instead of greedy behaviours
- May we double the cooperation instead of competition
- May we double our immune ability against infection instead of being victims of diseases
- May we share the same interdependent planet earth, keep our ego away, respect others
- May we listen to the logic of science, apply the passion and behavioural conducts of all religions to help mankind.
- May we have the ability to seek resources from within.
- May 2012 be a stable and peaceful year.
- May we regardless of language, race and religion respect our differences.