
Showing posts from July, 2012

158. A tug of war of mind

A tug of war of mind between Government agencies and financial whiz kids. A Chinese saying: Words worth a thousand unit of gold; spoken words must be trustworthy. Its meaning can be expressed by words spoken by a charismatic man, Mr. Mario Draghi, President of European Central Bank. He said: Within our mandate, the European Central Bank is ready to do whatever it takes to preserve the euro. And believe me, it will be enough. He made this statement in just ten seconds. Draghi told an investment conference in London on July 26. With his comment, financial markets across the globe recovered billions and billions of their values. This is a tug of war of mind because those short sellers on currency, shares have to recover their positions. Bonds Fall. It made the situation bad when rating agencies recently commented about the poor financial health of some Europe countries and America. Will Mr.Draghi follow his back up plan, we have to wait and see.very soon? Market economy h...

157. Competition and Olympics

A human mind is funny and amazing, when we are being conditioned to compete in a game or sport, our minds will automatically gear towards survival mode, competitive mode, and we want to win. We recently played an ice-breaker game in a social setting, there was no rewards, no prizes in the game, however, teammates in each team were ready to put up their best, faster and smarter. Olympics 2012 is around the corner. The motto for the London Olympics 2012 has been revealed as "Inspire a generation" The generic Olympic motto is the hendiatris Citius, Altius, Fortius, which is Latin for "Faster, Higher, and Stronger." When I examine the motto of Olympics. It would be good by adding one more word that is "Faster, Higher, Stronger and Fitness " so that all athletes are busily competing with less body injury. Competition with cooperation so that one can make more friends while competing.

156. Wasting People Time

Time is the "only asset' we have. Yes property, cash, antique are assets but the only real asset is TIME. 'In financial accounting, assets are economic resources. Anything tangible or intangible that is capable of being owned or controlled to produce value and that is held to have positive economic value is considered an asset. Simply stated, assets represent value of ownership that can be converted into cash (although cash itself is also considered an asset).' - Wikipedia. By the conventional wisdom, TIME is not an asset. We keep a tree and miss a jungle… Imagine that we have developed penny wise, pound foolish; similarly we also can make ourselves money wise but time foolish. In an event of punctuality. When someone waited for us for half an hour because we are late for appointment, for whatever reason, we in fact are wasting that person 30 min of his/her precious life. Can you feel it? When we are engaging some unproductive activities or events, w...

155. My First Impression

My First Impression: The first impression on people, location, event, activity is about emotion, it in not about fact. Fact finding would come later in a perception and learning cycle. When I visited a country or a region, it usually gave me a first impression. This impression is in a form of words or phrase. It may have positive implication or area for potential opportunity or improvement. Here is my list: Africa: Water, Infra-Structure. China: Money, Keen to Learn. India: Jealous, A Unique Century System. Nepal: Resilience, Accommodating Indonesia: Peace Philippines: Talent USA: Medicine, Vocal. Japan: Orderly, Peculiar (But outsider may think otherwise) Malaysia: Letting Go, Natural Disasters Free. Singapore: Steep Learning Curve, Expensive City also Country. South Korea: World Class North Korea: Need Balance, Respect Authority. Myanmar: Brain Drain New Zealand: Beauty and Highly Literate Britain: Ego, Tradition Master. Australia: Changing a...