158. A tug of war of mind

A tug of war of mind between Government agencies and financial whiz kids.

A Chinese saying: Words worth a thousand unit of gold; spoken words must be trustworthy. Its meaning can be expressed by words spoken by a charismatic man, Mr. Mario Draghi, President of European Central Bank. He said: Within our mandate, the European Central Bank is ready to do whatever it takes to preserve the euro. And believe me, it will be enough. He made this statement in just ten seconds.

Draghi told an investment conference in London on July 26. With his comment, financial markets across the globe recovered billions and billions of their values. This is a tug of war of mind because those short sellers on currency, shares have to recover their positions. Bonds Fall. It made the situation bad when rating agencies recently commented about the poor financial health of some Europe countries and America.

Will Mr.Draghi follow his back up plan, we have to wait and see.very soon?

Market economy has developed into such a phase where cancer cells grow in a system, each entity biting each other. i.e. financial agencies become rivalry of government agencies. This is a win and lose situation, very soon the world will degenerate further because both parties do not use a common language, in other word there is no communication between them and there is no regulatory system in place for our fragile market economy.

What a world needs now is communication, promote mutual understanding.

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