155. My First Impression

My First Impression:

The first impression on people, location, event, activity is about emotion, it in not about fact. Fact finding would come later in a perception and learning cycle.

When I visited a country or a region, it usually gave me a first impression. This impression is in a form of words or phrase. It may have positive implication or area for potential opportunity or improvement. Here is my list:

Africa: Water, Infra-Structure.
China: Money, Keen to Learn.
India: Jealous, A Unique Century System.
Nepal: Resilience, Accommodating
Indonesia: Peace
Philippines: Talent
USA: Medicine, Vocal.
Japan: Orderly, Peculiar (But outsider may think otherwise)
Malaysia: Letting Go, Natural Disasters Free.
Singapore: Steep Learning Curve, Expensive City also Country.
South Korea: World Class
North Korea: Need Balance, Respect Authority.
Myanmar: Brain Drain
New Zealand: Beauty and Highly Literate
Britain: Ego, Tradition Master.
Australia: Changing and Searching.
Scotland: Warm People & Cold Weather
Ireland: Growth, Enjoy Life.
Brunei: Quiet, "Stress Free"
Germany: Tough and Discipline
Switzerland: Focus and Observant
Belgium: Careful and Well Calculated

My point is, a mind perception has no concept of being right or wrong because what it has is an emotion content. Once a mind perceived the first impression, the emotion stayed. It will stay there for quite sometimes until new inputs are strong enough to replace them. That explains our minds are fluids and subject to learning, re-learning, brain washing or indoctrination.

Take care of the young at their formative year...

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