

This Neurofeedback to different people have different meaning. It can be advanced neuroscience subject, it can be just a normal brain exercise with a help from computer technology.


Neurofeedback is a form of brain recovery process using brain computer interface technology, instead a teacher guiding a student's brain to learn in a class room, we use a brain - computer system interface which leads a brain into a homeostasis state. A role of neurofeedback practitioner is just like a facilitator. We don't call a neurofeedback practitioner as a healer or a therapist because there is no patient around, there is just a someone (ie a student, a child, an adult) who is keen to read his or her brainwaves with an intention to improve his/her brain performance, of course with the present of neurofeedback practitioner assistance.

Another analogy is like when we look at the mirror, we know how to make our face look more beautiful; similarly, when a person has a chance look at his or her own brainwaves, then miracle happens, the person brain will find a way to make that brainwaves more beautiful, more resourceful, more resilience, of course with a help of a neurofeedback practitioner because the neurofeedback practitioner knows the exact protocol.

In a daily life, for normal subjects' tuition, students bring in respective subject text books; for examples we have Maths tuition, we have English tuition etc. Subjects' tuition can last a long time continuously, from kindergarten to college level. Year in and year out. When tuition stops then learning of that subjects stop.

For Neurofeedback training, students do not need to bring any subject books with them because we train a student brain to function well with the brain in mind, you may call it eight major multiple intelligence skills training within the brain boundary.

Neurofeedback covers a wide variation of benefits ranging from understanding maths concept, language comprehension, inception and expression. The key of neurofeedback is to let the brain aware of its "present state" when a participant being hooked up on the head with sensors, looking at his/her own brain mirror.

Duration for neurofeedback training , one practitioner is to one trainee:

50 to 100 sessions. Contact time: one hour per session. six month to 1.5 years/ once a week training.

In summary: Neurofeedbcak helps to promote a few brain functions in mind

Physiological self-regulation

Psychological resolution

Reduced symptoms

Improved brain function

Increased well-being and quality of life

Imagine we exercise to get body muscle strength, similarly we exercise the brain to get neurons size and vitality remains intact.

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