219. 中文容易学习吗? Is Chinese Language easy to learn?

I learned Chinese and Chinese dialects (Cantonese) at a very early age, so they are mother tongue. English relatively with a proper learning environment was very late. I Learned Japanese and Malay at an adult age. Therefore the learning outcomes are; last in - first out, this is my overall languages' learning experience.

In my opinion, Children should pick up more languages and music as young as possible. Because the integration of left and right brain functions started from young age.

中文容易学习 Chinese may be easy to learn but it is difficult to master it:

花五年会有成绩,多多努力吧. May be one can put in five years of effort in learning.

1. 每天要花时间学习 Spend time everyday

2. 每天要復習 Rehearse everyday

3. 每天要背誦 Read & Dictation every day

4. 每天要读报 Read ie Newspaper

5. 每天要写字 Practise Writing

6. 多听 More Listening

Learning Chinese, Example One: Know Ying Yang origin of Chinese characters.

The discovery of Chinese characters by observation of nature of Ying Yang or polarity principle of nature then binary system. ie 0 1 2 4 8 16 32 64 variation in nature. One needs deep silent of mind and wisdom to create Chinese characters by interaction of mind and nature, Tao 道.

The Eight Trigrams (八卦 bagua) and their Signification of Natural Elements below

☰ 乾 Qian the Creative symbolizes 天 tian Heaven or Universe

☷ 坤 Kun the Receptive symbolizes 地 di Earth

☵ 坎 Kan the Perilous Pit symbolizes 水 shui Water

☲ 離 Li the Clinging symbolizes 火 huo Fire

☳ 震 Zhen Exciting Power symbolizes 雷 lei Thunder

☶ 艮 Gen Arresting Movement symbolizes 山 shan Mountain

☴ 巽 Xun Gentle Penetration symbolizes 風 feng Wind

☱ 兌 Dui Joy and Pleasure symbolizes 澤 ze Swamp

The eight hexagon variation and its principle has guided Chinese medicine, Chinese ways of thinking etc.

Chinese characters are created visually ie fire, water above. Mountain below.

The nature law is called Tao. The scientific use of these variation of nature of Tao brings growth and prosperity, the opposite that brings superstition in Tao, it happened very often in ancient China and hamper the growth of ancient China.

Learning Chinese, Example Two: A Language of Induction Thinking, Chinese is a very indirect binary language system.

The concept of Ying Yang is a natural phenomenon because when ying yang merged then energy flow and substance formed. When energy flow, universe move, vibrate and rotate. When energy flow in a human body with DNA structures, life force growth.

In ancient China, through planetary observation they sensed that the universe in which a star and five planets nearest to us somehow affecting life forces on earth. So the Chinese characters often consists of ying 陰(negative charge or contracting symbol) and yang 陽(positive charge or expansion symbol) binary words; normally yang word leads ying word such as husband and wife in pair 夫妻, sun and moon 日月 , big and small 大小, success and failure 成败, high and low 高低, front and back 前后 , top and bottom 上下, left and right 左右 and many more. Hence ying yang and five elements philosophy affecting Chinese culture in many ways.

The question as why Chinese knew ying yang theory but they didn't look into details of atomic structure, or computer binary code few thousands years ago? shao yang and shao ying in sperm and eggs of human production systems. So what I can think of the reason is that they looked into ying yang outwardly such as into invention of compass, fengshui and applied directional navigation for farming which benefit their livelihood; they looked for "How to" and didn't ask the reason " Why or Why Not'? Whereas J. J. Thompson looked inwardly into binary system, asking "Why", he found ying electron 电子 100 years ago as a result of industrial revolution.

In future, when one applies ying yang theory in micro world, more discovery and invention will come. This is a golden key for discovery.

Learning Chinese, Example Three: Learning Chinese at a younger age regardless of race

Jim Roger's daughters who are studying in Singapore primary , secondary schools.

For more story please open this web page below:


We can learn English at a much older age as it is a language of Logic. But, we should learn Chinese language at a younger age as it is a language of Images. Ideally, we should learn both languages or more languages at younger ages.

Learning Chinese, Example Four : Learning Attitude

Else where, Chinese Government has been helping Africa countries over more than last 50 years. As compared to America, there are many people in Africa countries now are willing and able to master Chinese Language. Because the key to learning of Chinese language is with acceptance mind, accept the Chinese culture..

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