3.The nature itself is creative

"The nature is creative, appreciate and trust the nature and we will be creative. We need to open up the possibility which comes to us.
- Simon Kong

"Creativity is duality and diversity. Creativity is thinking in extremity"
- Simon Kong

The National Advisory Committee for Creative and Cultural Education (NACCCE,UK) defines creativity in this way:"Imaginative activity fashioned so as to produce outcomes that are both original and of value."

We make rules to help us manage activities well and in the process of compliance, we may have tendency to siphon away creativity. Rules add values to productivity gain and they must make originality incorporated to match the creative outcomes.

I can see everyone of us has inherently creative genes and yet many of us do not aware of creativity lies within ourselves. What we have already possessed is the creative nature. However the physical condition, the past experience of punishment and rewards, the negative and positive reinforcement of our upbringing environment which made some of us believed that we have lost our creative nature. - The ability to connect to our inner self.

Many people thought that creativity only possessed by gifted people. People like i.e. Benjamin Franklin, Edison, Mozart, Walt Disney, Davinci, Albert Einstein, Bill gaters, and Steve Job. So the thinking of inferior mind and a feeling of inadequacy attract us into a creativity black hole. This black hole created by our minds limits our growth. First, we need to free this limitation. It can be trained.

Sir Ken Robinson's caution : We grow out of creativity. He his telling the inconvenient truth. To return to the element of creativity is to match our passion with aptitude.

"Creativity is a type of learning process where the teacher and pupil are located in the same individual." - Arthur Koestler

I am very happy to see that people discover their golden and diamond qualities of creativity.

When we appreciate our true nature, we discover our creativity again.

Here is my analogy on creativity:

Let's cultivate a person's interest in fishing, he would look for a fishing line. When he makes a fishing line himself using all the available resources, he would generate his creativity tools from his creative mind. But when he learns tailor made creativity tools from others he may catch a few fish in shorter time but that might not be the fish he wants in the first place.

"The nature is creative. Trust the nature." - Simon Kong


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