13. Brain and Mind Development

Training and coaching the brain and mind for the young and the elder are now possible with EEG Biofeedback.

Brain and Mind Development.

Hyperactivity, Impulsivity are parts of brain activites. We can train a brain to be less active in those apsect of behaviours. Once we change a perception on a mind development we will soon realise that we are training genius minds to save our world. This world needs many geniuses to tackle new challenges ahead.

Our brains develop all the time. When a brain reaches its peak development state and it will maintain its function until ageing set in.

Below is my understanding of a brain timeline of development between 0 and 110 years of age:

0-3 Years: Formative years; awareness of emotion and core character building.

3-9 Years: Next phase of brain development. Creativity and Memory are in top form.

9-14 Years: Full maturity of a brain.

14-25 Years: Best output of brain function and a very productive stage.

25-60 Years: A brain maintains its core functions.

60-110 Years: It depends a person concept on brain development. This is a highly vulnerable stage.

Early Intervention

"People don't just outgrow ADHD; it is not like the babyfat we lose when we start getting taller. Many people will have it forever if not treated. - Robert Hill & Eduardo Castro, MD.

At present the world education systems put emphases on a child brain development in between 7 and 14 years of age. Children with late development will lose out in this race.

A conventional educational system does not provide the training need for these children. A total brain and mind development programme would help to activate those late developers to ensure a level playing field for this age group who have learning difficulties.

EEG Biofeedback Brain and Mind Development Programme, Physical exercise, School play and learn programme are good intervention tools to bridge that gap.

We train the brain to manage its behaviours:

discipline,attention ,emotion,relaxation,mindfulness,impulsive control, hypervigilant,anxiety, panic attack...

A brain matures at 14 of age but your children need not wait until that age. In EEG Asia, Children brain can be trained as early as 7 years old.

Ageing process

110 years of age may be the limit for a human longevity. The number is not very significant though, however we will be more than happy to live through this very old age limit.

There are many good models to expalin ageing process such as inslin resistant, lacking vitamin complex, but one thing is for sure that we are in the process of ageing.

What can we do about ageing?

"One of the most encouraging findings in brain plasticity research is that new neural connections and structures develop by learning new skills. When it comes to aging, the brain, like just about every other component of the human body, is a “use-it-or-lose-it” organ.", " The brain that changes itself" - Norman Doidge

Based on the brain plasticity theory, I propose that a brain will work better

1) when it is mentally activated.(ie.listen to different types of music, visit different places and so on.),

2) when the mind calms down emotionally.(ie do daily meditation appropriately) and

3) when the body exercise regualrly.(ie brisk walking and walk up your apartment or walk around your compound area.)

Simon Kong of EEG Asia.

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