14. A Happy Mind

A never ending search for Happiness...

Below are two scenarios of mental states:

Healthy, Wealthy and Happy state.
Healthy, Wealthy but not Happy state.

Some people say that you need to serve others to be happy. Another person says happiness is within you. Someone says " In order to be happy we must keep busy, keep enjoying." , "Happiness is in the doing."

I read many books on happiness and listen to many wisemen and gurus' comments. Here is the gist of it :

"Happiness is your creation."

Happiness is a state

Happiness is a process, happiness is a feeling and happiness is a 'state'. We may not 'find' happiness or happiness may not exist as a destination,or in a place.- Simon Kong

"Happiness is a balance between extremities"

"Happiness - it's a resource that comes from many things. Generally, I consider it as a balance between extremities. Happiness, for me, is a mixture of city and nature, people and solitude, thinking and not thinking, work and holiday, physical and mental activities, rain and the sun, sleep and action, new things and known things. Even though I love summer, sun, friends and activity, how could I ever appreciate them if I didn.t know what's winter, darkness, solitude and peace. Even the darkest moments in life: denouncement, divorce or death can be seen beautiful because they give birth to something new. Actually, happiness is a mental state where you appreciate everything as it comes or it is." - Hanna Sissala, Helsinki.

"A thing is a thing"
"A is A" - Aristotle.

Aristotle's thought brings us back to a real world. Think too much will make one goes "crazy". .

"An individual's highest happiness is found in the bestowal of benefits on those he/her loves. Love finds its most natural and spontaneous expression in giving. A person who has nothing to give cannot fill his/her place as a husband/wife or father/mother, as a citizen or as a human being." - Wallace D Wattles

We can be wealthier, healthier and happier. We may need to aware time frames for a happy mind: Focus your mind 99% at present doing and 1% in future. Happiness is a state and it is an effect rather than a cause.

You chose to be happy.

Proper Meditation is good. Meditation brings about relaxation, a step closer to happiness. But do not be too attach to meditation. Meditation itself is not Happiness because happiness is not an act, be very clear about your intention.

When we are down or feel lethargy. Don't make things complicated. Yoga, Qigong, any other form of relaxation would help, Exercise Now.

As a Chinese saying "知足长乐 -Zi Zu chang le". Contentment leads to happiness.

In order to be happy, love yourself first and love what you do.

To a greater extent. Health and Wealth are by products of Happiness.

Once a person is in a happy state, in pursuit of wealth and health are relatively easy tasks, for yourself or your community benefits.

Happiness is not about meditation. Happiness is comunication with one's self, others and the environment. - Simon Kong

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