31. Thank You all Twelve Awakened Runners

I took part in Standard Chartered Run yesterday. It was a good run and the weather was cloudy and good. A new route this year with up and down hill.

I met awakened people in this run and I must thanks all twelve of them for their advcie. These were the awakened runners who had attained their awakened states without them actually knowing. Since they saw my weakness from a distance, I am sure they ran ahead of me in this race.

My run was supposed to break one-hour barrier for my 10 km run. But the event did not turn out the way I want to see. My record was 8 minutes away from my target. During the run,I had a loose shoelace and I knew that I cant stop running as stopping means pains and breaking the momentum. I knew I have the ability not to focus on the shoelace and I kept on running. But after 12 reminders from nearby awakened runners who spotted my shoe's fault. I kept thanked them and explained to them that I was aware of the situation and took extra care on safety. As towards 2/3 of the journey, I finally found it difficult to ignore their advice and well intent although I was very vigilant on my shoe condition.

Towards a three quarter journey, I knew that all the runners were getting closer and closer although I tried to keep at a side of the road. Safety became an issue if happened someone stepped on my shoelace. I had decided to stop to tie my shoelace. I stopped. That was the decision I knew I could not break my record this year. I said to myself :"come back next year." Once I stopped and bended my body forward, my knee got tensed up, and frozen. It took the knee muscle sometime to get back to its warming state.

If the situation happened again next year. What I need to do is to be more flexible in my appraoach, seeking a cheer team member help without abrupt stopped & bending my body so low and that can save my running momentum.

On reflection I am happy with my run strategy and mindset condition during the run.

Over next year plan: Getting to a top 10% percentile of all runners in 2010 run is highly achievable.

Thank You all the wonderful awakened runners who helped me.


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