32. At Last - USA health authority studies the coaching effect of Neurofeedback

A new star is born!

An article on Neurofeedback was posted on The Washington Post (see resource article 17 on my web site)

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It says
"Ohio State University child psychiatrist L. Eugene Arnold, the NIMH project's director, says the institute agreed to fund the study as a result of new interest by the influential national advocacy group Children and Adults with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. CHADD receives about one-third of its revenues from pharmaceutical firms and historically has vigorously supported medication as a first-line treatment for ADHD. Yet in recent years the group has grown more willing to consider nondrug therapies." - TWP

Here is my opinions:

1. The studies should be more extensive, covering more time frame and behavioural change issues.

2. Give more acceptance to the Neurofeedback profession and do not see it as a threat to the any industries because NF is an art more than a science subject. ( In that sense, a brain is a creation, it is not just putting all chemicals and cells together.)

3. It takes a longer time to train a Neurofeedback or EEG Biofeedback Practitioner, say five years, hence the government should consider set up a fund for Neurofeedback Industires to grow.

4. Training or Coaching the brain is the key word. Many symptoms may have no cure. But from the neurofeedback point of view, we have a different perspective. ie from brainwave perspectives; we would become very optimistic about the solution to these symptoms:

5. New frontier knowledge of how the blood flow affecting neuro-transmitters' production, how sns and pns systems affecting the production of neurotransmitters and how brainwave voltages influence the production and the flow path of neurotransmitters may take years of research to establish its findings. However coaching the brain to re-learn its balancing system does not need to be a medical expertise. What you need is a science trained person who knows basic science subjects and an art trained person who can understand the human nature at work.

6. Too many rules would confuse the brain. Our brains want simple and easy instructions in order to function better. What the brain wants is calmness and alertness when engaging any form of activity. The brain wants relaxation and less activity when it at rest.


Thank You L. Eugene Arnold


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