38. Inconsistency in performance

Walk the Talk, it is not easy.

I have a slight opinion on the chart below. Steven Covey mentioned imcompetence behaviour. I prefer and find out that being conscious imcompetence is far more inferior than being unconscious imcompetence. In other word being conscious imcompetence should be listed as number one waekness in human behaviour. Then unconscious imcompetence should put in number two position on that chart.

I love the idea of being unconsciously imcompetence to achieve a peak performance state.

You may want to ask as why so many people can't follow what they preach.

The reason is simply. These people own the knowledge but they lacked the ability to attain a level of unconscious competency. They can tell people what to do but they themselves just can't do what they preached because their body action can't follow their mind intents.

There are gaps existed between knowledge and skills. A wise person will fill up the gap as soon as possible.

A typical example of attaining good knowledge and high skills are surgeons. I have a high respect on them.


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