54.Set Direction In Life to pursue our goals

There are people who want to be their best in life and keep their legacies alive. The history will judge them very fairly.
The success and failure is judged by us. Most of our names would not appear in history book. People would not remember our names after 50 or 100 years even our next generations. So be truthful to ourselves, set our direction to do what we want to do in life and realized that success and failure is only judged by us.
I like Dr. Goh Keng Swee, Singapore's first generation of nation building architect. He said: You must always be a person other can count on to do a good job, whether the end result is successful or not". “In working life, first and foremost, what you need to be is a reliable and responsible person." Source: From his grand son's eulogy
Once we set the right direction, reinforce with Disney's execution plan, our goal will come closer day by day.