57. Learn from the Monkeys
Definition of Monkey Mind: Describes a mind that jumps from thought to thought like a monkey jumps from tree to tree.
Humans interpret unfocused, distracted and disorganised mind as monkey mind.
In fact a real monkey has focused and organised mind. Labelling a monkey has a monkey mind is not fare to the monkey.
The reversal is true. At time, human mind is unfocused, disorganised and destructive.

I observed monkeys for a while now. In fact, In my opinion, there is no such thing called monkeys' mind. Monkeys Have No Monkeys' Mind but only human being have monkey mind. - A mind that moving second by second like a monkey.
Monkeys are very focused on what they do, for example they jump from tree to tree with a distance 30 times away of body length with precised jump execution. Any lack of initial jump momentum and falling away from a right tree branch will lead to life and death situation.
Monkeys snatched away foods from children at a right timing and at a right ambused position.
So Monkeys have no monkeys mind only human being have monkey mind.- A mind that moving second by second like a monkey.
Monkeys are organised and focused especially when it comes to facing new challenges. With a good monkey leader leading infront. Perhaps our financial world, environmental & ecological world will need more leaders with organised and focused mind to bring the human race forward.
Humans interpret unfocused, distracted and disorganised mind as monkey mind.
In fact a real monkey has focused and organised mind. Labelling a monkey has a monkey mind is not fare to the monkey.
The reversal is true. At time, human mind is unfocused, disorganised and destructive.

I observed monkeys for a while now. In fact, In my opinion, there is no such thing called monkeys' mind. Monkeys Have No Monkeys' Mind but only human being have monkey mind. - A mind that moving second by second like a monkey.
Monkeys are very focused on what they do, for example they jump from tree to tree with a distance 30 times away of body length with precised jump execution. Any lack of initial jump momentum and falling away from a right tree branch will lead to life and death situation.
Monkeys snatched away foods from children at a right timing and at a right ambused position.
So Monkeys have no monkeys mind only human being have monkey mind.- A mind that moving second by second like a monkey.
Monkeys are organised and focused especially when it comes to facing new challenges. With a good monkey leader leading infront. Perhaps our financial world, environmental & ecological world will need more leaders with organised and focused mind to bring the human race forward.