59. Allergy

Allergy can attack anybody at any time.
I am doing a research into allergy prevention now.
"Common allergic reactions include eczema, hives, hay fever, asthma attacks, food allergies, and reactions to the venom of stinging insects such as wasps and bees."-wikipedia
Allergy is a form of body fight and flight response, it manifests in most common areas including skin rashes, ulcers, body pains, joint stiffness and skin inflammatory.
Triggers of allergic response can be foods, insects, flowers and odors. However the basic brain response to the allergic substances is still unknown.
Doctors are usualy prescribe normal anti-inflammatory cream, oral medicine and even injection to reduce alergic symptoms. The cure is yet to be found.
I intend to study Neurofeedback to find solutions to allergy and related symptoms.
Taking a cold bath in the morning may be a good start.