61. Creativity

This is a subject which attracting more debates over the years.

Creativity is not by rote learning, not a knolwledge box, or something which we can possess it physically. Creativity is a state of mind.

Many of us are aware of many creativity techniques, but after we have studied this subject and we normally put all the notes aside or displayed them on the bookshelf. Very soon or later we would return to our non-creative self. Knowledege is power but put knowledge into practice is creativity.

Creativity is not a content or subject matter. Again it is a skill set, it is a mind state. It is an AHA state. Having more knowledge do not give us creativity. Creativity comes from flexibility. Creativity comes from courage. When people are self motivated, taking ownership,taking initiative,know what they want and where they are heading for, making courageous decision and trust their own instincts and themselves more and all these elements are essential for creativity.

Aware, Acknowledge and Activate your creative state now. We all have it.

When you train your mind back to its natural state, creativity flows naturally.

With the latest neuroscience technology and consciouness study, brainwave training and coaching would bring out our creative states a lot faster and easier.

Logic with Imagination promote creativity - Simon Kong

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