83. Feeling Good
Feeling good is different from being happy. Feeling good may have negative effects, feeling good can be addictive but be happy would not have negative effects. People tend to relate all good feeling via engaging physical senses as happiness.

There are many things, events and people that make us feel good. The feeling good effects can have good and bad side effects.
We feel good by taking coffee in the morning, enjoy wine at night or smoking a whole day. We feel good after buying a new car. We feel good by meeting nice people. We feel good by attending F1 race event or attending a fabulous function or foods and so on.
Very soon feel good sensation will go away with the passage of events,time, people and things.
Feeling good is a result of an acion or activity or possesion. If we are not careful the craving sensation of feeling good may lead us addictive to certain life styles or habits.
Being happy is a state of mind or contentment. It worths investing a little time and effort for a lasting happiness. It needs effort to pursuit happiness but once it is internalised, it requires no effort... Try it and find it. It begins with communication with yourself.

There are many things, events and people that make us feel good. The feeling good effects can have good and bad side effects.
We feel good by taking coffee in the morning, enjoy wine at night or smoking a whole day. We feel good after buying a new car. We feel good by meeting nice people. We feel good by attending F1 race event or attending a fabulous function or foods and so on.
Very soon feel good sensation will go away with the passage of events,time, people and things.
Feeling good is a result of an acion or activity or possesion. If we are not careful the craving sensation of feeling good may lead us addictive to certain life styles or habits.
Being happy is a state of mind or contentment. It worths investing a little time and effort for a lasting happiness. It needs effort to pursuit happiness but once it is internalised, it requires no effort... Try it and find it. It begins with communication with yourself.