91. Develop a whole brain

Our world educational systems in general are promoting deduction thinking.
There are many ways to develop a whole brain. Here I am talking about an effective way to develop a whole brain. - Learning more foreign languages including dialects.
In my previous posting I mentioned that induction thinking is thinking with pattern and deduction thinking is thinking with logic.
Let take an example of a Chinese character “好being good”. It is in a picture form. Next character is “人People.” When we put these two characters together they form a new meaning “好人Good People.” It is still in a picture form. Similarly "big" symbolises a man opens his arms "大" dà. So Chinese language is a language with pattern forming.
Let’s look at English words, ABC,ACB or ACD; it does not form a word. But ACE is a word. There is a lot of alphabet combination to form English words. You have to be very logical to learn those words. English language trains one to be good at logical thinking and logical thinking is a source for creativity.
When we develop logical and pattern thinking we own a very powerful brain.
Children and Parents now you have very good motivation to learn English and Chinese well. This motivation applies to learning other languages.
Learning English and Chinese can develop a whole brain.
For example: Nobel prize physics(1957) winner, Prof Yang who learned a few thousand Chinese characters at a age of four. His young brain (CPU) had stored so much Chinese patterns at that young age, which combined with western logical scientific research experience later in his life and with hard work & wisdom, he became a gem of scientific world in those days. He could not have developed his talent thus far should he stay put in China during those turbulant years. Prof Yang explained that he furhter understanding of induction thinking from Prof Fermi ( induction thinking "from physical phenomena rather than from principles") and his own deduction training background made him had the both worlds.
Similarly, I can think of many other languages' combination that help to develop a whole brain. For example learning Japanese with Malay.
My general conclusion by induction thinking is : Learning other Languages, the more the better. Even my induction thinking is proven wrong one day but you may appreciate my noble intention.
On international affair, now I see that China and American people always have many potential conflicts ranging from ideology to thinking habits. From a perspective of SINO-AMERICA relationship and world peace, young Chinese and young American should start to learn from each other language. So in 20 to 50 years time we would have a better and safer world to live in.